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Old 09-24-2010, 11:30 AM
amy1241 amy1241 is offline
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Exclamation very bad back pain at 16 HELP

Sometimes whe my back is stiff and gets better throughout the day, i start walking, and sometimes my back like loses control and bends backwards, then for like 5 seconds it hurts so much and it makes me not wanna stand, I feel like falling to the ground. it really hurts. whats wrong with me? Ive been suffering from back pain since I was 12 years old, so 4 years. It all started when I went on a trampoline (the one where they buckle you in), I started doing flips, everything until, I pinched a nerve. Couldnt bend my back for 7 days. Ever since then Ive pinched my back nerve about 6 times. Now my back pain wont go away. Spme days it's good, other days I can't stand it. Need anything else to know, just say it and il edit my info. Thanks.
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