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Old 06-01-2008, 01:29 PM
Serenity Serenity is offline
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Posts: 65

Originally Posted by mollyL View Post
I think that alot of people stay with an abusive partner because it fills a need in them; that they "protected" by a strong partner, that they feel they deserve abuse and this partner fills the bill, etc. So your friend has left this guy, but she's also left alot of feelings that in some way were a comfort for her. She needs some immediate counseling, perhaps even some medication, IMO.
You make some valid points there, mollyL. I'm not sure what the need would be that's being filled and if that's really the case but what can happen is the person gets brainwashed by the abusive person into believing they're worthless or useless or whatever. They hear it so much and so often, they start thinking it's true when it's not and think they couldn't survive on their own without the person. They become convinced they really are deserving of it because these people destroy any vestige of self-esteem they have by constantly chipping away at them.

It takes a huge amount of courage to break that cycle and leave and I admire anyone that had the guts to do it. You're right, counselling and/or meds would definitely be a step in the right direction.
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