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Old 08-02-2010, 03:42 PM
airikah airikah is offline
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Location: Oakville, Ontario
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Question Cervical Cancer- HELP

Ok, I am 23 years old and was told two weeks ago that my gyno had found cancer in my cervix.

I went to see the oncologist last week (and what an idiot he was). He did not tell me the stage, nor did he run any blood tests, scans..etc. He talked about treatment (aka removal of my cervix) but told me that he didn't know the stage.

He is sending me for a cone biopsy, not sure why...and that will take 4-6 weeks to get an appointment. Anyone ever had a cone biopsy to determine the stage? Does this make any sense? Shouldn't he determine the stage before making someone wait like that?

Can't get a hold of my gyno, my family doctor hasn't received any result for both my gyno and oncologist; so she is just as confused.

I am trying to make a self referral to a different oncologist, but no luck. Any suggestions on what to do? Something just doesn't feel right about how my case is being dealt with.
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